Thursday, November 1, 2012



This is my mothers recipe for lasagna.  I have never met anyone else that makes lasagna the way our family does.  

I will update with pictures soon!


1 box of lasagna noodles
1 large jar of pasta sauce (I use Prego)
4 cups Mozzarella
2 boxes of cream cheese
1 lb of hamburger or turkey (optional)

Boil your noodles and brown your meat and set aside.  Warm sauce in pan and set aside.  Spray a cake pan with nonstick cooking spray   Now it is time to assemble   You should have at least 5 piles of 4 noodles each.  Put 4 noodles on bottom of pan.  Place 1/4 of your meat on the noodles.  Sprinkle 1/4 of the mozzarella on the meat.  Then slice up 1/2 a box of cream cheese and place randomly on the mozzarella   Add a few cups of sauce on top.  Add 4 more noodles and repeat the meat, cheese, and sauce combination.  You will end up with 4 layers of meat/cheese.  Once all the layers are done place your final 4 noodles on top.  pour remaining sauce on top.  Sprinkle any remaining mozzarella on top of sauce.  Cover with tinfoil and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Tips & Tricks

  • Try to use just under 1/4 of the mozzarella on each layer to save some for the topping.
  • Sprinkle a little brown sugar in your sauce to sweeten it up.
  • Check your noodles before you buy.  Tip the box back and forth slowly and listen for broken pieces.
  • Lay out you noodles before assembly.  This will insure you have a enough noodles.  If you don't use less in the middle layers.
  • If you lay out the noodles ahead of time use 4 perfect noodles for top and bottom.  

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